Monday, October 29, 2012

Dandy Event: Howard Homecoming 2012 Part 4- Tailgate Party Alumni Reunion

Dandy Event: Keith Campbell- DECIDE to be Beautiful Book Release Party

Celebrity Hairstylist and Author - Keith Campbell

Co-Host and Client, R& B Singer- Melanie Fiona

Co-Host Melanie Fiona and Bridget Kelly 

Co-host and Client, R & B Singer - Bridget Kelly

I Had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Kelly on the red carpet,  her vibrant and bold personality was not only present in her  extremely approachable and down to earth attitude ,but was also transcended into her stunning Keith Campbell  hairstyle.  I asked her what was one of her favorite memories/moments of  getting her hair done my Keith Campbell: She replied " Keith has been styling my hair for  the last four years and is like one of  my brothers, every time we get together it is always a movie moment...Because we both are really busy and on the road ,whenever  we are in town together we share jokes,catch up and in the end my hair turns out looking amazing" - I agree it does!
 Check out this rising multi-talented,power house new artist, you won't be disappointed! 

Co-Host and Client, Neo-Soul Singer Chrisette Michele and Ms. B.K.

Keith Campbell surprised his guest with a extravagant haircutting stage performance, infused with live models, a hip-hop violinist and R&B spinning DJ.

Fashionable Guest

Celebrity Hairstylist - Ursula Stephen 

Friends and Family of Keith Campbell 

Keith Campbell's books: Cuts For Our Infirmities and DECIDE to be BEAUTIFUL are available for purchase now!